Rabu, 22 Juli 2009

she wrote me on her blog! :D

haha, this is the note response for her post.
you know what, it was feel so great to read her post..
thank's anyway nad..

Ok2 now it's my turn to tell about her,

namanya nadince, eh nadira.. hehe
kita kenalan pas dirmh odim, baru kemudian dari fb.
ya gw yg pertama kali nge add
dan dia yg pertama kali nyapa.. heheh, gw awalnya aja aga lupa siapa dia,
tp dia ceritain sedikit2 akhirnya inget jg,

hehe, kita sering ngejayus2 ya nad di ym. gapapa lah namanya jg anak autis.

but you know, it's a lot of fun to have chitchats with her,
she is a good listener, and a good adviser too..

hehe, can't wait till the next meet nad. hope it'll soon yah! ok2..

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