Jumat, 29 Mei 2009

Dang! She's in tattoos

thanks God for Your Kindness..

Senin, 25 Mei 2009

Nilai, kurang memuaskan!

Ah, kapan si gw bisa dpt nilai bagus? klo begini terus jadi sampah masyarakat gw...
tp ya gw ttp bertarget di UAS, smoga nilai gw ga ada yg D sama skali dan jg minim nilai C,

Minggu, 24 Mei 2009

My dream is actually a band....

Suddenly I'm dreaming again, living the imagination.
Yeah, Band is what I'm always dreaming..
And here is what I'm thinking about

I'm gonna make a band, that:

Influences :
  • Marilyn Manson
  • Mindless Self Indulgence
  • The Birthday Massacre
  • Flyleaf
  • My Own Sin
  • The Shizit
Genre : Industrial, Electronic, Rock

Personnel :
  • Vocalist : Female with a punk/gothic style, beautiful voice and face too, and screaming skill is doesn't necessary
  • Guitarist : Female or Male wearing black, has a good sense of distortion
  • Bassist : Female or Male, with a standart bass skill and can play guitar rhythm too
  • Synth Programmer : Female or Male, who has macbook - keyboard/synthesizer, loves and can makes electronic-industrial music,
  • Drummer : ME!
Haha, it's just a thought, nothing is real.. shit

Sabtu, 23 Mei 2009

erocktica, yes they combined rock and roll and sex..

have you ever heard erocktica?
"Erocktica is an American rock band which describes itself as An Anti-Censorship Erotic Theatrical Musical Free Expression Rock Extravaganza." -Wikipedia

They are rock and roll, they also sold sex.
Goddamnit they're fuckin beautiful and they're also fuckin retarded in the same fuckin time.

what the fuck, they have dancers as band member?!
it reminds me of pussy cat dolls, and you know what, erocktica far bitcher.
They came up nude to the stage - totally nude in some events.
and they rock the stage every single show.

erocktica's member:
  • Pink Snow - Vocals
  • Shelly Lynn - Bass
  • Josette - Guitar
  • C.J. Scharg - Drums
  • Justin Masters - Guitar
  • Trixxxii Doll - Dancer
  • Crystal Swarovski - Dancer
  • Deity - Dancer
  • Miss Demeanor - Dancer
  • Michelle Star - Dancer
  • Roxxxy - Dancer
  • Natasha Strange - Dancer
  • Profanity - Dancer
You see now? they have more dancers than the musician.
it's a sex show baby, not a music!

  • 2002: Pink Inside (Recorded as Porn Rock)
  • 2004: Porn Again
  • 2007: Second Cuming

"it's an evolution from clothed to non-clothed entertainment"

I want that fuckin shoes!!

yah lo tau lah kegiatan mahasiswa, selalu berencana buat tugas, dan ujung2nya ya cuma rencana..
yeah I'm a victim of that fuckin syndrome, it plagued me so bad.
but by the way, I've just found something fun.
you just go to converse.com
and make your simple design

and here it is my...

god...buy me some please...

kaskus badge fuckin id

Haha, ga kerasa ternyata gw uda post sebanyak 100x?! kyk geek anak forum aja gw.. haha, ternyata ngaskus tu seru jg.. apa lg suka byk bb++ nya.. hehehe

Kamis, 21 Mei 2009


Jakarta Barat

i hate clock, it reminds me of time

Aura Kasih is in my laptop

study = dislike

Jadi maluuu

ga bs berenti senyum.. hahahaha
btw lo uda buka coniobase.freetzi.com blom?
blom? buka yaaa....hehehe

Selasa, 19 Mei 2009

When the others are purchasing the project,...

I made it BIATCH!
supported by a POWERFULL HELP of Welly, thx a lot dude..
but, the project hasn't finished yet, wish it'll be finished real soon. amen
- it's just finished hell yeaaah!!!!

Minggu, 17 Mei 2009



cerita lama tapi ga pernah mati

band pertama gw, semenjak SMP.
Berisi anak2 tanpa skill dengan imbuhan mulut besar
Band yang berisi mimpi, dan yang selamanya menjadi mimpi.

but soon we will reunited. hope it'll be fun and fucking crazy!

Jumat, 15 Mei 2009

mayan penting lah tp ga penting jg

alhamdu gw sembuh, tp ya msh pemulihan sih, blom fit2 amat, pala msh aga keliengan tp uda ga demam.

dah gt doank yg mo gw share, ga ada apa2 lagi. haha

Rabu, 13 Mei 2009

Cepatlah Sembuh Rian!!

Ah, anjing bosen bgt gw sakit begini. Pala puyeng, badan demam, persendian ngilu2 sakit, plus mual2..

kata sodara gw ini flu tulang, soalnya dia br aja kena penyakit itu dan dia ga berkutik ampe 2 minggu!! waduh ga sanggup gw klo bnr2 ampe 2 minggu, ya semoga aja gw cpt deh sembuhnya, btw gw uda berobat ke puskesmas, dah dpt obatnya dan kondisi gw uda jauh membaik dari sebelumnya, uda ga telalu demam.

ya semoga bsk uda sembuh deh yaa... amin!

Kamis, 07 Mei 2009

today is friday - no class - no interest but...

I've just browsing and find something fun, i don't know is it new or old thing but still - it's fun..
haha, here you are

you can make the same things even better,
just click www.xtranormal.com ,
sign up for free account,
than make a movie!!

Selasa, 05 Mei 2009

Kepercayaan Diri Arsenal Berbuah KEHANCURAN

Gw membuat entry ini dengan kekecewaan yang teramat sangat,

Kalah 3-1 Di Emirates Stadium, merupakan kekalahan mutlak yang memalukan bagi Arsenal.
Bukan hanya karena Kalah dari Musuh Bebuyutannya (MU), tapi juga karena sikap optimis berlebih yang dilakukan jelang laga tragis ini.

Berikut beberapa pernyataan yang diungkap pemain-pemain arsenal sebelum pertandingan

dikutip Ekstra Bladet (30/4/2009)
"Saya yakin 100 persen bahwa kami akan melenggang ke babak final," cetus pemain internasional Denmark itu sebagaimana dikutip Ekstra Bladet.

Almunia dikutip Sky Sports (30/4/2009)
"Arsenal sudah menunjukkan bahwa kami bisa mengalahkan mereka (United),"

Adebayor dikutip Goal, Selasa (5/5/2009)
"Kami semua masih yakin kami mampu membalikkan keadaan. Kami semua sangat bersemangat dan optimis untuk melakukannya,"

Bahkan Wenger pun mengungkapkan ke-opitmis-an nya

Wenger (29/4/2009)
"Saya optimis dan yakin kami akan memenangkan Liga Champions, lebih cepat lebih baik. Orang mencintai sukses, terlebih menjadi pemenang dan pastinya semakin banyak orang yang menjadi fans Anda,"

Well, Apapun yang diucapkan Arsenal sebelum pertandingan ternyata tidak berbuah manis.
Gw sebagai fans the gunners sangat kecewa dengan performa yang ditampilkan Arsenal, mereka nyaris tidak dapat menembus pertahanan MU sama sekali. Kalah 3-1 dan satu gol hiburan dilesakan Van Persie lewat titik penalty.

dan Poin yang menurut gw harus diperhatikan adalah.. SEKTOR PERTAHANAN Arsenal, yang jauh dari kata bagus.

Come on Arsenal, The Gooners are still standing right behind you, cheering you, shouting your name for glory! Go Arsenal...Go!

Memang Terlalu

Memang terlalu jika gw baru tau klo ada temen yang memproduksi sesuatu.

"MALU.. ialah semacam majalah atau sekarang lebih pantas disebut bulettin yang berisi foto-foto MemangTerlalu. Allan Rinaldi dan Rizki Ramadan lah yang mendedikasikan diri untuk membuat dan mengumbar MALU."

(bla bla bla..)

klo mw tau lebih lanjut tentang MALU, download aja file pdfnya di sini
ok, buat lo semua yg penasaran langsung cek tkp lah... izin unduh telah diberikan!

sallute for them!

Jumat, 01 Mei 2009

words aren't just they were said...it's bigger

Speech, Quote, Words -- ANYTHING -- whatever you name it
they are not just what they were said...
they are deep
they are inspirating
they are priceless
they are free and timeless
and sometimes
they are nothing but shit

these are few of my fellas's words which are more than I like

"the funniest thing about life is that no one can get out of it alive"
- Oreey Ardyasa

"we go so far from home,searching for treasure.without knowing that the treasure is the home itself."
- Defta Altrima

"pengecut ! jgn pernah jadi pengecut !..
salah ya salah benar ya benar.. jgn lari mas..mba.. takut jadi musuh? takut dibenci?
jgn bilang netral tp sebenarnya kamu cm plin-plan"
Satrianda Widjanarko

"It’s an orgasmic world"
- Reno Nismara

"certain people look good from far. but far from good."

"so much to do, so little sense of will.. laziness RULES!"
- Abbie Christanto

"The devil teaches us his tricks but not how to hide them."
- Angga Patria

"menyapa duluan sama sekali tidak menurunkan derajat gue"
- Raka Cyril

"jgn prnh bingung bwt nyari ssuatu yg ga penting dan ga pasti.tunggu aja smp bego!ntr jg dtng dgn sndiriny.."
- Tommy Utama